
P4 19 65
适合程度 章节 练习页数


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U1. Simple present tense and Adverbs of frequency
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U2. Present continuous tense
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U3. Adjectives—Comparatives 1
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U4. Adjectives—Superlatives 1
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U5. Reflexive Pronouns
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Quiz One (Unit 1-5)
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U6. Adjectives—Comparatives & Superlatives 2
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U7. There was / There were
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U8. Asking questions in simple past tense
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U9. Auxiliary verb—could
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Quiz Two (Unit 6-9)
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U10. too / either
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U11. and / or / but
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U12. both / or
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U13. Simple future tense
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Quiz Three (Unit 10-13)
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Mock Test
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Answer Key
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